Whitebook Digital Platforms - a Step in the Right Direction
The German Government is evolving its strategy on digital platforms, as we had already reported earlier (Digital Sovereignty - Participate! Contribute!, Whitebook Digital Platforms in the Makes). The expected White Paper has been published in March 2017. In4com.de has reviewed the paper and summarized the most important results with respect to digital sovereignty being at the core of in4com.de agenda. The civil society has to stay alert due whitepaper shortcomings. Also, ongoing international trade negotiations may have huge negative impacts on privacy and digital sovereignty (in4com.de has commented on this).
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Read more: Whitebook Digital Platforms - a Step in the Right Direction
TiSA Foils EU Data Protection Directive

2016 Leaks from the TiSA negotiations held in secrecy (Trade in Services Agreement) indicate that TiSA will foil the EU data protection directive of early 2016. TiSA must come under public monitoring and requires an eventual public vote!
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[Monitored] Mobility – a Safe and Secure Experience!?

It is no longer a question, but a fact that the Internet is in the car. After discussing a number of useful mobile services in passenger cars, we have to conclude that our digital sovereignty will be lost if we do not take adequate measures.
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Read more: [Monitored] Mobility – a Safe and Secure Experience!?
Whitebook Digital Platforms in the Makes
Manfred Reitenspiess, owner of in4com.de, has provided extensive comments on the greenbook „Digital Platforms“ (Grünbuch „Digitale Plattformen“) as published by the German Government (we had pointed out the opportunity to contribute in „Digital Sovereignty - Participate! Contribute!). The received comments were summarised by the German Ministry of Economy and Energy BMWE. In4com.de comments were cited a number of times and are completely available for download. In a follow-up step (beginning of 2017) a whitebook is to be published as a step toward a German digital agenda. The whitebook shall come up with specific recommendations and calls for action with respect to the evolution of digital platforms (see the official webpages of the BMWE).
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Digital Sovereignty - Participate! Contribute!
The ”Greenbook Digital Platforms (Grünbuch Digitale Plattformen)”, published by the German government in May 2016, is a clear proof that digital sovereignty is recognized as a necessary requirement for a successful digital transformation in Germany and Europe. Important issues with particular reference to the use of data, their economic value and the protection of individual users’ rights are explicitly addressed, looking for solution proposals. A call for action is sent to the public (see https://gruenbuch.de.digital/de/kommentieren/ to contribute and participate actively in the ongoing discussion). Resulting recommendations for follow-up actions are planned for 2017.
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